Tuesday, June 28, 2016

SWIMMING IN PAINT #5 - July 2nd references & supplies

JULY 2nd ALL ABOUT Flamingos

10:00 am to 2:30pm  (Lunch break at 12:15)

team LIMITED TO 10

UP DATE - Class is full
 Contact Crossroads Art Center for details 804.278.8950

Mood and sensuality in Flamingos! Who da thought Americas iconic fascination with this bird as a garish lawn ornament could make a comeback. It was a mid-century thing as I remember, and as we all know, mid-century is hot and has been so for the last 8 or 9 years. I guess Florida and Cuba and politics is influencing a return of this gorgeous bird.......could also be the colour that's driving it too. 

Whatever the reason it's a good painting subject for some very obvious things like structural line, style, colour and grace and it can also translate up to a very large format in any painting style imaginable....... But! There's always a But to anything. But will it sell outside Florida? Will a gallery even accept it outside it's regional habitat? After all, this bird could easily be the poster child for "American Garish"! I suppose it depends on how it's presented. A worthy challenge outside Florida I'm sure.

The Flamingo can hold it's own with MOOD & SENSUALITY, as the photo reference below clearly shows. That in itself makes it a worthy painting subject.

Garish colour, mood and sensuality........sounds like some great swimming to me!



The team will be in CLASSROOM 1

I would prefer brown bag to the disruption of leaving, paying and returning from outside lunch sources. This will allow more time at the lunch table to chat and study our progress.

The canvas surface will be 30x30. An ample supply of smooth 30x30 stretched oil primed linen canvas will always be available at $30. each.....or bring your own. 

There will also be a supply of Royal soft grip brushes (SG4500 Series) available at $2.50 each.

I do encourage using a glass palette - old picture frame glass works with a white sheet of paper and a cardboard backing or foam core with blue taped edges to hold it all together. 

Please try to have (1) Flexible palette knife. Preferably similar to the two on the left.


(1) 30x30 canvas Centurion oil primed linen or equal
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4520 Filbert (rounded flat)
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4510 Bright (flat)

A few palette knives (flexible)
Glass palette with a small paint scraper
3 or 4 sheets of paper towels (folded into quarters)
Neo Megilp oil painting medium
Clean cotton rags - (cut up old cotton Tee shirts and white socks work well)
Small amount of odorless mineral spirits - at least 8 oz.

Basic palette: I added a few of the specialty colours I often use - either way I always share those colours.

Titanium White or a fast drying Griffin alkyd by Winsor & Newton
Naples yellow
Lemon yellow
Cadmium Yellow medium
Alizarin Orange (Williamsburg)
Permanent green light
Sap green
Chromium Oxide or green oxide
Cerulean Blue
Sevres Blue (Williamsburg)
French Ultramarine Blue
Ultramarine Blue French (Williamsburg)
Dioxazine Purple
Provence Violet Bluish (Williamsburg)
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose
Persian Rose (Williamsburg)
Cadmium Vermilion (Williamsburg)


Jerry's has 30x30 Centurion oil linen well priced already stretched by the box (6)......check it out.

Royal SG4500 series long handle soft grip brushes (LINK)
Direct link to brushes - scroll down to the SG4500 series

Monday, June 27, 2016

Swimming in Paint Links - easel, canvas & brushes

Swimming in paint easels - (10) Shinny new easels all setup and ready to be used by this weeks team members

WEBER AVANTI METAL EASEL from Jerry's (less side shelf)

GLASS PALETTE and some basic tools

Easy to make - use 1/8" picture frame glass (thicker has green tint) - white or toned paper liner sheet with cardboard back and tape the edges. Shown here is a 16x20

Jerry's Centurion oil primed stretched LINEN canvas is a superb buy - I ordered (2) boxes of 30x30 of (6) each for much less than I could stretch it myself. Certainly competitively priced to any retail cotton product you can buy off the shelf.....keep it in your Jerry's checkout basket and wait for the right sale - meet Jerry's minimum requirements and always get free shipping too!

Royal SG4500 series long handle soft grip brushes (LINK)
Direct link to brushes - scroll down to the SG4500 series

NOTE: (2) different brush lengths on the flat brushes - The "Bright" is shorter bristle - "Flat" is bit longer bristle

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Swimming in Paint # 4 - What a blast, painting beyond objects!

The team worked hard covering 900 square inches of white linen canvas in under 4 hours. A remarkable achievement when you think about it. They worked at forgetting the object and focused on shapes. Exploring how to paint colour rhythms as abstract shapes that sometimes made little sense closeup......until they stepped back.

I hope they are as proud of themselves as I am, because at 20 or 30 feet they found themselves painting air as in atmosphere - something they couldn't necessarily see when painting close up.

The most important thing for me as their painting coach was to get the canvas covered with paint and their painting feel reasonably right at 30 feet. Mission accomplished!

Over time, the details, the refinements will work out naturally with experience and personal preference.......remember, useless fussy details are not all that important to a successful outcome.

Beautiful creamy paint does matter closeup!

All New Easels ready for our Saturday team!


If you squint your eyes colour rhythm is a bit more obvious - notice how each colour movement marries up to the next - if you successfully connect them it works. Often, very subtle but none the less there. It can continually be adjusted until it feels right - stepping back will always help you see that clearly.

Morning Dance 16x20 oil on linen (6/22/16 canvas 1053)

The overview clearly shows how well the team did. Stepping back 20 or 30 feet opened a few eyes at how well their work really looked at a distance - also how easy it was to see and improve areas that were a bit weak - difficult to see close up. Closeup, very abstract and colourful shapes, but stepping back, remarkably refined.

 Next week it's!! 


Reds, and Hot Pinks with acid Greens and Yellows

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Progression Painting - Swimming in Paint # 4

Morning Dance 16x20 oil on linen (6-22-16 canvas 1053)


For those who will attend Swimming in Paint #4 Saturday and those who want to try this at home, I made a progression of how the painting was developed using the (2) photo references(last post).

I'm not sure this needs a lot of explanation other than every once in awhile step back 20 to 30 feet to make sure it feels right and correct anything that doesn't. 

Try looking at the different colour shapes and reproducing them- broadly at first and keep refining your shapes until the overall effect is captured. Remember if you get the overall shape of anything right the rest will fall into place easier.

Swimming in paint is about using more paint than medium. The medium merely makes paint flow effortlessly - move it around and have fun!

I used a small 16x20 canvas. I'll save the energy for the 30x30 demo Saturday.
 Good luck......send me your results:=) Chuck@larivey.com

The sun was actually painted from life - I looked up, there it was...so why not. It was also a very good match to the sun reference  for our Saturday project.


 Morning Dance 16x20 oil on linen (6-22-16 canvas 1053)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Swimming in Paint #4 - June 25th References & Supplies

JUNE 25TH ALL ABOUT Landscapes
 Mood & Sensuality
team LIMITED TO 10


10:00 am to 2:30pm  (Lunch break at 12:15)
 Contact Crossroads Art Center for details 804.278-8950

This week will be all about landscapes and who better to visit when it comes to the Landscape, but George Inness, the master of Mood and Sensuality. I have an ulterior motive, my swimmers are getting bogged down in detail...my fault. My solution, simplify the shapes with large blocks of muted colours often used by master Inness. 

You might take a moment and checkout  George Inness

 The man painted BIG too!


The team will be in CLASSROOM 1 -  Everyone will have the new easels:=)

I would prefer brown bag to the disruption of leaving, paying and returning from outside lunch sources. This will allow more time at the lunch table to chat and study our progress.

The canvas surface will be 30x30. An ample supply of smooth 30x30 stretched oil primed linen canvas will always be available at $30. each.....or bring your own. 

There will also be a supply of Royal soft grip brushes (SG4500 Series) available at $2.50 each.

I do encourage using a glass palette - old picture frame glass works with a white sheet of paper and a cardboard backing or foam core with blue taped edges to hold it all together. 

Please try to have (1) Flexible palette knife. Preferably similar to the two on the left.

NOTE: This an oil painting team - consider that when registering. Water based oils do not work the same way.  I also have no experience in Acrylics. 




NOTE: Reference change (6-21-16) sun image BELOW prints more acuate - I'll have hard copies Saturday 

Unlike the Inness examples above, ours will be light and colourfull like the Impressionists might have done.



(1) 30x30 canvas Centurion oil primed linen or equal
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4520 Filbert (rounded flat)
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4510 Bright (flat)

A few palette knives (flexible)
Glass palette with a small paint scraper
3 or 4 sheets of paper towels (folded into quarters)
Neo Megilp oil painting medium
Clean cotton rags - (cut up old cotton Tee shirts and white socks work well)
Small amount of odorless mineral spirits - at least 8 oz.

Basic palette: I added a few of the specialty colours I often use - either way I always share those colours.

Titanium White or a fast drying Griffin alkyd by Winsor & Newton
Naples yellow
Lemon yellow
Cadmium Yellow medium
Alizarin Orange (Williamsburg)
Permanent green light
Sap green
Chromium Oxide or green oxide
Cerulean Blue
Sevres Blue (Williamsburg)
French Ultramarine Blue
Ultramarine Blue French (Williamsburg)
Dioxazine Purple
Provence Violet Bluish (Williamsburg)
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose
Persian Rose (Williamsburg)
Cadmium Vermilion (Williamsburg)


Jerry's has 30x30 Centurion oil linen well priced already stretched by the box (6)......check it out.

Royal SG4500 series long handle soft grip brushes (LINK)
Direct link to brushes - scroll down to the SG4500 series