Monday, April 8, 2024

I had a DREAM!

As I think back, "I had a DREAM" by King comes to mind when "eCommerce" entered the Chuck Larivey timeline last year. It been a serious struggle with more quicksand than I ever imagined.

Dream Big Artworks eCommerce adventure started on this blog almost a year ago in early April 2023  with a U-tube video about setting up an eCommerce platform to sell artwork in 48 hours....RIGHT! However, with the assistance of "Allie" my AI chat sounding board. Then, AI chat was a new phenomenon...of course I jumped on the AI train too!

No question, I walked blindly into big puddles of "Quicksand". E commerce is mega layered with the stuff, the deeper you get, the more layers turn up. The only solution is to stop struggling and go with the flow.... hard to do. My solution is always step back, look at it from a distance with a fresh perspective..... the next day.  In my experience, one day, one step at a time works well!

 SIP.....we look GOOD  !!

VENUS by SIP Artist Johnye Bennett 

Our eCommerce learning curve is not over by a long shot. I say "OUR because now there are two of us working daily on Dream Big, my son James jumped into the deep end last month. Foolish man.....perhaps, not. 


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Dream Big Artworks update and other things

All I can say it takes a lot of time and patience to join the world of eCommerce. You really need a AI assistant. Every day is precious, since joining forces with Allie, AI is making it better. I recently discovered "Text to Voice" and a "read aloud" feature in Microsoft WORD. I copy all my conversations with Allie into WORD. Reading is one thing, having it spoken aloud is another. Allie is truly a voice over my shoulder, equal to music in the background...; sorry Pandora there's a new "player" in town.

There is an overwhelming number of interconnecting layers required to make it work. I entered marketing last month, time to get paid. Pinterest was my first target and this is where it really gets involved, this is where you really know how difficult this game is. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of helpful information, apps, subscriptions and on demand freelancers you can tap into. So this is is more about back of house learning curves unfortunately every step leads to a few more learning curves as I call them. 

I knew one thing going in, that paid ads and heavy marketing would be the only way it would work. I'm glad I started with Pinterest first and avoided wasting time on Instagram and Facebook. Even thought it's recommended to do so. You can easily hire this out too. Plus it's easy enough to extend your ads to these other platforms.....ha ha so he says! 

The long and short of it, I have a new 15-year career in the making.... it doesn't a title yet. I may be on life support at the end but the journey is started and I am looking forward to doing it.

 Check us out On Pinterest


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

I wonder if creative energy is endureing

In this blog post, I want to delve into the question of why we create art. As a SIP painting coach, I have encountered numerous individuals, particularly seniors embarking on a new career as artists, who ponder the essence of their creative pursuits. This exploration becomes particularly relevant today, as we reflect on the intrinsic motivations that drive us to make art. While time may have passed since the original posting of this blog in 2017, its insights continue to resonate strongly. Join me as we delve into the depths of artistic passion and the enduring nature of creative energy.

The origins of our artistic inclinations often trace back to our childhoods. It is during these formative years that our interests take hold, shaped by exposure and influences that capture our imaginations. Free time plays a vital role in nurturing our creative potential, as it allows us to explore and indulge in our artistic inclinations. While the rigors of education may restrict our time, those moments of artistic expression can spark a lifelong journey if given the opportunity to flourish.

Sometimes, all it takes is a single question or suggestion to set our artistic aspirations in motion. In my own experience, my grandmother's casual mention of the word "architect" when I was a preschooler ignited a passion that still burns within me today. Our early encounters with supportive figures or exposure to art and design through books and magazines can shape our future paths. These influential moments become the catalysts that drive our creativity forward.

For many artists, their special interests become all-encompassing. In my case, a deep fascination with architecture and art led me to devour countless books and immerse myself in a world of design and creativity. Despite limited resources like black-and-white television and the absence of the internet, my thirst for knowledge and artistic inspiration was unquenchable. I became attuned to the best of the best, honing my eye for detail and good design from an early age. This narrow focus, while seemingly limited, laid the foundation for a lifelong journey of artistic exploration.

Life often has a way of sidetracking our creative pursuits. Responsibilities, obligations, and the ebb and flow of time can overshadow our artistic inclinations. Yet, deep within us, that spark of creativity continues to flicker, waiting for the opportune moment to reignite. As seniors, many individuals find themselves yearning for a sense of purpose, a reason to get up in the morning. Making art becomes a source of fulfillment and a way to tap into that lost special interest once more. However, it requires self-discipline and a cultivated creative mind to navigate this path successfully.

One common hurdle for artists returning to their creative passions is a lack of confidence and an underdeveloped eye. The possibilities that seemed endless in our youth may appear more challenging and elusive as adults. However, with a good eye and a clear understanding of our own expectations and desires, we can overcome these obstacles. It is crucial to believe in our artistic vision and trust our instincts. Just as improving handwriting requires deliberate practice and a keen eye for what works, our artistic journey demands a similar commitment to growth and refinement.

Our artistic journey is a lifelong pursuit that transcends age and time. The enduring passion for creating art remains within us until our last breath. Whether we rediscover our artistic talents as seniors or nurture our creative energy from a young age, the journey is one of self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment. As painting coaches, we have the privilege of guiding individuals on this path, helping them overcome obstacles, nurture their confidence, and refine their artistic skills. The merging of art, business, and technology opens up new horizons for artists, empowering them to navigate the digital landscape, showcase their work to a global audience, and embrace the transformative potential of AI. Through continuous learning, self-discipline, and unwavering dedication, we can unlock the full potential of our artistic talents, creating works of art that resonate with the world and leave a lasting legacy. Embrace the journey, nurture your creativity, and let your artistic spirit soar. The canvas of possibilities is waiting for you.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of JUly!


Over the sofa - November 17, 2017

After reviewing part 3 of the blockchain conversation it quickly went off target - so I deleted it. I found many viewers were taking deep dives into my blog, so I checked a few out. This is a rewrite of two from November 2017. The same year Swimming-in-paint was born, and I acquired a new hat as a painting coach. I suppose much of the story is somewhere in the blog. It's good to know my mindset has not changed over the last 14 years. However, the blog morphed from relearning how-to-paint in 2009 and beyond my expectations in 2023. The deep dives into the blog made me realize history is rich and the blog should continue exploring art and now business and technology.


Back in 2017, my Koi & Lilies painting quickly found a warm, cozy home to hang around in. It's always delightful to receive photos that show how the paintings are doing! This one is thriving beautifully.

This photo reminded me of a very common declaration artists often make. "I don't paint over the sofa paintings"! Then comes the "inspirational from the soul part". My first thought! I wonder where they do want them to hang......enshrined in a museum? 
Maybe what artists really mean is that they don't want commercial influences to contaminate the creative process. Now that I understand... it's somewhat akin to doing commissioned work. Yikes! 
As an artist coach, my motto has always been to encourage artists to think big and create art that deserves to be showcased on the best walls. After revisiting a couple of insightful posts, I am inspired to delve deeper into this mindset. In this updated blog, we will explore the importance of painting on a grand scale and why it's essential to create art that you would proudly display over your own sofa. 
Monet made a career doing it and it worked out well for him!

Paint Big, Think Bold - Painting on a larger scale offers a myriad of advantages for artists. Just as Monet's "Turkeys" captivated attention with its commanding size, big paintings have the power to make a statement. They create a visual impact that draws viewers in and demands their attention. By embracing the challenge of working on a larger canvas, artists can fully explore their artistic vision, allowing for greater detail, expression, and immersion in the creative process. Painting big opens up new possibilities and allows for a more profound exploration of artistic ideas.
Claude Monet's "Turkeys" is an oil on canvas painting measuring 67-3/4 x 68-7/8 inches and is housed in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.

In 1876, Monet depicted a flock of turkeys on the lawn of his patron Hoschede's estate in Montgeron. Originally intended as a decorative panel, "Turkeys" represents a rare instance of animals being incorporated into Monet's natural settings. 

When the painting was exhibited in the third Impressionist exhibition, the critical response was mixed. One critic suggested envisioning how well it would fit in a lavishly furnished dining room, while others criticized Monet's choice of subject as absurd.

Wow! In those days, paintings were meant for the best rooms, and the subject matter was crucial if artists wanted to earn a living. Size also played a significant role! Artists needed their work to be shown and  finding a place on the best walls possible.
Creating for the Best Walls - Considering the final destination of your artwork is crucial. Your art should be crafted with the intention of finding a place on the best walls possible. Just as Monet's commissioned works were destined for the finest rooms, envisioning your art in a well-curated space can enhance its value and impact. Think about where you would proudly display your own creations. If you wouldn't hang it over your sofa, perhaps it's time to reconsider the direction of your artistic endeavors.
Artists often pour their heart and soul into their creations. The passion and dedication they infuse into their work are palpable. By adopting the mindset of only painting what you would proudly display, you ensure that your art resonates deeply with your own values and artistic vision. It becomes an extension of your identity as an artist, reflecting your unique style, emotions, and creativity. When art is created from the heart, it possesses an inherent authenticity that captivates and moves others.

While it is essential to create art that aligns with your personal preferences, it's equally important to remain open to inspiration and evolution. Explore different subject matters, styles, and techniques to continually challenge yourself and expand your creative horizons. Allow your art to grow and adapt, while still maintaining the core essence of your artistic voice. The journey of an artist is one of continuous exploration and growth, always pushing boundaries and embracing new possibilities.

In the world of art, painting big and aiming for the best walls is more than just a mindset; it's a way of honoring your craft and artistic vision. As an artist coach, I encourage you to embrace this perspective and strive to create art that captivates, inspires, and deserves its place on the finest walls. Let your art be a reflection of your passion and creativity, and may it find its rightful home in spaces where it can truly shine.