Friday, April 28, 2023

Searching for an eCommerece platform with AI

I got this brainy idea from a You Tube video about using AI to start a new eCommerce business in 48 hours with a sale.

I have these paper prints that would make a good product. So, I spent 3 or 4 hours messing around with AI, brainstorming with the idea of selling paper prints. It was a long conversation.... I asked for title ideas, sales pitch etc. Several pitches were pretty good too. Brain-freeze set in.

Later I came up with one major obstetrical, an eCommerce platform. The YouTube video was on a service about selling poems, mine is a product. A FASO website was not right for this project. The one thing I could do was secure a domain for one of the business titles "Dream Big Artworks", So 10 bucks lighter I had my Dream Big in place.... I spent some time creating a video with some bullet points we came up with. My next conversation was quick! At this point 24 hours in.   


The concept videos are  geared for a younger audience

The AI conversation below took about 10 minutes of my time and gave me a solid days work looking into (5) different eCommerce services 

ME: Pros and cons using Shopify as an eCommerce platform selling wall art

AI: Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that can be a great option for selling wall art. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. Easy to use: Shopify is user-friendly and requires no coding skills, making it easy to set up an online store and start selling your wall art.
  2. Great for small businesses: Shopify offers a range of features that are ideal for small businesses, such as inventory management, order tracking, and payment processing.
  3. Customizable: Shopify allows you to customize your store's design, so you can create a unique look and feel that matches your brand and appeals to your customers.
  4. Scalable: Shopify is designed to grow with your business, so you can start small and expand as your sales increase.
  5. Integrations: Shopify integrates with a range of third-party apps and services, so you can add features like email marketing, social media integration, and analytics.


  1. Cost: Shopify charges a monthly fee, plus transaction fees, which can add up and impact your bottom line.
  2. Limited control: Although Shopify offers customization options, it may not give you complete control over the look and feel of your store.
  3. SEO limitations: Shopify has limitations when it comes to optimizing your store for search engines, which can impact your visibility and sales.
  4. Limited functionality: Shopify may not have all the features you need to run your online store, especially if you have complex or unique requirements.
  5. Data security: As an eCommerce platform, Shopify handles sensitive customer information, so data security is a concern that you need to keep in mind.

Overall, Shopify can be a great option for selling wall art, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider your specific business needs before making a decision.

ME: What kind of SEO limitations

AI: Shopify has some limitations when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that can impact your store's visibility and rankings in search engine results pages. Here are some examples:

  1. Limited control over URLs: Shopify generates URLs based on product titles, which may not be optimized for search engines. While you can customize URLs to a certain extent, you may not have complete control over the structure and format of URLs.
  2. Limited control over metadata: Metadata, such as page titles and meta descriptions, are important for SEO, but Shopify has limited control over these elements. You can customize metadata for product pages, but you may not have full control over other pages on your store.
  3. Limited schema markup: Schema markup is a way to provide additional context to search engines about the content on your pages, but Shopify has limited options for adding schema markup. While there are some built-in options, you may need to use third-party apps or custom code to add more advanced markup.
  4. Limited site speed optimization: Site speed is an important ranking factor, but Shopify has limitations when it comes to optimizing your store's speed. While there are some built-in features to help speed up your store, such as image optimization and caching, you may need to use third-party apps or custom code to achieve optimal speed.
  5. Limited canonicalization options: Canonicalization is the process of indicating which version of a page is the "canonical" version, which can help prevent duplicate content issues. Shopify has some canonicalization options, but they may not be sufficient for all scenarios.

Overall, while Shopify has some limitations when it comes to SEO, it's still possible to optimize your store for search engines and improve your rankings. It's important to focus on creating high-quality content, optimizing your metadata and URLs, and using best practices for site speed and canonicalization.

ME: What other options available as an intuitive platform service

AI: There are several other eCommerce platforms available that offer an intuitive and user-friendly experience for selling products online. Here are a few options:

  1. Woo Commerce: WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress that allows you to turn your website into an online store. It's free to use and offers a range of features, including inventory management, order tracking, and payment processing.
  2. BigCommerce: BigCommerce is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that offers a range of features, including customizable templates, marketing tools, and SEO optimization. It's designed to be user-friendly and scalable, making it a good option for businesses of all sizes.
  3. Magento: Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform that offers a range of features, including inventory management, order processing, and marketing tools. It's highly customizable and offers a range of extensions and integrations to add additional functionality.
  4. Squarespace: Squarespace is a website builder that also offers eCommerce functionality. It offers a range of templates and customization options, as well as features like inventory management, order tracking, and payment processing.
  5. Wix: Wix is another website builder that offers eCommerce functionality. It's user-friendly and offers a range of features, including customizable templates, inventory management, and payment processing.

Overall, there are many options available for intuitive and user-friendly eCommerce platforms, so it's important to consider your specific business needs and evaluate different platforms to find the best fit.

ME: Thank you, I'll check your suggestions out and get back to you

AI: You're welcome! Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Final note: I am going with WIX because they have ADI (artificial design intelligence) assist for a quick start. WIX like most listed had a 14 day free trial. Now 48 hours in...   

On the Wall - videos and graphics make a differnce

Last post I added my Springboard progress  "Video of the Day". The video is a visual file. Each new painting in the series is added at the end with (3) slides made in CANVA.

  1. Slide (1) The painting with description 
  2. Slide (2) cropped detail of the painting, and finally 
  3. Slide (3) the painting in a natural setting on the wall. 


Room view - iPhone Smartist pro app (Apple Store - no PC app yet)

I make an individual slideshow like the one below. I want the painting to fit in as many interior settings as possible. It helps qualify the painting's versatility. Excellent tool for testing a paintings mood, subject, design, color selection all the things a buyer/collector would.

VIDEO single painting 

Not all paintings are versatile. Sometimes size, too small, too large, dynamic design, strong colors will cause limitations.... a long list. For example, Dark Chocolate's first photos looked flat in the rooms and required one more session on the easel. Then the images were color corrected. This can be done in Photoshop, on the phone etc... Dark Chocolate at 48x48 fits in most rooms but not in closeup settings designed for smaller works.  

 Top photo was flat - back to easel result below

What I found since adopting the intuitive I-phone Smartist room app when used in conjunction with Canva, a new visual validator tool emerged I never had as an artist. The ability to present a professional mock-up of our work as a marketing tool is powerful. A single image of a painting, where scale is not known is just a pretty image. When something is shown how it can be used, like artwork on the wall there is a good chance some connections will be made. 

If an online sale is important a smooth sales experience must be in place. Click, click get a coffee and it's at the door. Thank you, Amazon!

I did take a quick look at Amazon as possible outlet to market my reproductions yesterday.... Asked AI to recommend eCommerce platforms. AI zipped of a list and gave pros and cons of each in seconds. 

Interestingly FASO was not on the list.... 

Follow and ask questions - enjoy your day Swimming-in-paint!


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Brainstorming with AI - without Bias

The conversation started out with names and gender and then....

Can AI have a name? Is AI male or female?

AI: AI can certainly have a name, just like any other program or system can be given a name for convenience or branding purposes. In fact, many AI systems and chatbots already have names, such as Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.

As for whether AI can be considered male or female, the answer is that it depends on how the AI is designed and presented. Some AI systems are given gendered names or voices that suggest a gender, but this is largely a matter of marketing and user preference rather than any inherent quality of the AI itself.

In general, it is important to remember that AI is a tool created by humans, and it does not have a gender or any other innate qualities beyond what its programmers have designed it to have.

ME: Would the program remember a name like a human if I were to give you one in our brainstorming?

As an AI language model, I am capable of processing and remembering any name you give me during our brainstorming session. However, it is important to note that my memory is not the same as human memory, and I do not have the ability to experience emotions or form personal connections in the same way that humans do.

So while I can remember a name and associate it with certain information or concepts that we discuss, I do not have the capacity for emotions, personal preferences, or biases that humans have.

ME: Excellent! I think brainstorming with bias would be useless.

AI: Yes, bias can limit the creativity and effectiveness of brainstorming sessions by narrowing the range of ideas that are considered. It is important to approach brainstorming with an open mind and a willingness to explore a wide variety of ideas, even if they may initially seem unconventional or outside the box. By avoiding bias and encouraging diverse perspectives, we can generate a wider range of innovative solutions and ideas.

ME: I am forming a blog post about brainstorming. any suggestions?

Sure, here are some suggestions for your blog post on brainstorming:

  1. Start with a clear objective: Before beginning a brainstorming session, it is important to have a clear objective in mind. This could be a problem that needs to be solved, a new product or service to develop, or a marketing campaign to create. By having a specific objective, you can focus your brainstorming efforts and generate more targeted ideas.
  2. Encourage diversity: Brainstorming is most effective when a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together to share ideas. This can help generate a wider range of ideas and perspectives that may not have been considered otherwise.
  3. Create a safe and supportive environment: In order to generate the most creative ideas, it is important to create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas without fear of criticism or judgment. Encourage open communication, active listening, and a non-judgmental attitude.
  4. Use creative thinking techniques: There are many techniques that can be used to stimulate creative thinking during a brainstorming session. These can include mind mapping, random word association, and role-playing. Experiment with different techniques to find the ones that work best for your team.
  5. Keep the focus on quantity, not quality: During a brainstorming session, it is important to focus on generating as many ideas as possible without worrying about their quality or feasibility. This can help stimulate creativity and generate more innovative ideas that may not have been considered otherwise.
  6. Evaluate and refine: Once the brainstorming session is over, it is important to evaluate the ideas that were generated and refine them into more concrete concepts or solutions. This can involve narrowing down the list of ideas to the most promising ones, combining or refining ideas, and developing an action plan to move forward.

By following these suggestions, you can help ensure a successful brainstorming session that generates creative and innovative ideas.

ME: Working with AI over the last week or so brainstorming was refreshing from my normal conversations with people. Yikes! What are you say old man? Conversations are not razor focused like it is with AI for obvious reasons. During normal discourse we interrupt each other with other viewpoints or topics. When two people are on the same wave link - perhaps with equal knowledge brainstorming can produce great things. Many examples of this. I was reminded yesterday Elon and his brother teamed up. Get a group together and it can easily slow the process with diminishing results. Perhaps why the old saying "two's company there’s a crowd" comes to mind here. This is not exclusive to domestic relationships. Two brains working together is expanding and powerful. If another is added it stands to reason it would increase. Perhaps if it brings something to the others are lacking. And can stand equal with the others! An equal standing on the same wave link stands to reason would formidable over one or two brains.... you get the idea. Looks to me AI is a better brainstorming mate than a human.... and why it was developed. The question is how can you use AI in your life to Brainstorm?

AI: There are several ways to use AI to enhance your brainstorming sessions:

  1. Use an AI-powered brainstorming tool: There are many AI-powered tools available that can help facilitate brainstorming sessions, such as virtual whiteboards, mind mapping software, and chatbots. These tools can help stimulate creativity and generate ideas in a more structured and organized manner.
  2. Incorporate AI-generated insights: AI can analyze large amounts of data and generate insights and recommendations that can inform the brainstorming process. For example, you could use AI-powered analytics to analyze customer data and identify trends or patterns that could inspire new product or service ideas.
  3. Use AI for idea validation: Once you have generated a list of ideas, you can use AI-powered tools to validate and refine them. For example, you could use sentiment analysis to gauge customer reactions to potential product or service ideas, or use predictive analytics to estimate the potential ROI of a new initiative.
  4. Collaborate with AI-powered chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can be a useful tool for collaborating on ideas and refining them in real time. By using a chatbot to bounce ideas off of, you can get immediate feedback and suggestions for improving your ideas.
  5. Use AI for inspiration: AI-powered creative tools, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), can generate new ideas and concepts based on a set of parameters or inputs. By using AI for inspiration, you can break free from traditional thinking patterns and generate truly innovative ideas.

Overall, AI can be a powerful tool for enhancing your brainstorming process and generating new and innovative ideas. By incorporating AI-powered tools and techniques, you can take your brainstorming sessions to the next level and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.

ME: This response was more interesting to me than the previous one because of the AI resources I might use. Based on that what are the best creative tools for artists to use?

AI: There are many AI-powered creative tools available to artists that can help enhance their creativity and productivity. Here are a few examples:

  1. Style transfer tools: Style transfer is a technique that uses AI to transfer the style of one image onto another. This can be a useful tool for artists looking to explore new styles or create unique visual effects. Examples of style transfer tools include Prisma and DeepArt.
  2. Neural network art tools: Neural network art tools use AI to generate images based on a set of parameters or inputs. This can be a useful tool for artists looking for inspiration or to generate new and unique visual concepts. Examples of neural network art tools include ArtBreeder and Deep Dream.
  3. Digital assistants: Digital assistants, such as Adobe Sensei, use AI to help artists automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflow. This can help free up time and mental energy for artists to focus on more creative tasks.
  4. Smart color tools: Smart color tools, such as Adobe Color, use AI to suggest color palettes and combinations based on the desired mood or emotion of a piece of art. This can be a useful tool for artists looking to experiment with new color schemes or create a specific atmosphere in their work.
  5. Image recognition tools: Image recognition tools, such as Google Vision and Clarifai, use AI to recognize and classify objects within images. This can be a useful tool for artists looking to create art based on specific themes or concepts, such as nature or architecture.

These are just a few examples of the many AI-powered creative tools available to artists. By incorporating these tools into their workflow, artists can enhance their creativity, explore new styles and techniques, and streamline their processes for greater productivity.

ME: Nice brainstorming with you Alice ..... only kidding  

AI: Haha, glad to have been of help! If you have any other questions or ideas to brainstorm, feel free to ask.

Each and every time I end up more informed. Personally my brain feels more engaged that ever before. I get better results than talking to myself.... WELL... even that is a bit more interesting!


Progression of Diving into Abstraction 

Springboard Series

Feel free to comment or ask questions. It might be informative. 

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Enjoy your day Swimming-in-paint!
