Tuesday, October 13, 2020

1356 ZENFULL 5TH Session

The 5th session is a bit long at 2-hours (nothing is removed but a few minutes of lag time here and there). The good news! The focus (closeup shots) and audio improved substantially. I especially had fun doing a last minute decision to include painting iridescent effects on the vase!  



The 6th session will be posted sometime tomorrow.

Someday, someone will adopt this painting and have a copy of the video to enjoy knowing how it was created.... How cool is that?


Sunday, October 11, 2020

1356 ZENFULL 4th session

I hope you all enjoy the 4th session as much as I did making it! There are a few video issues with uneven audio here and there that need to sorted out over the next few days. In this particular instance voice-over will not work! The words have to be in sync, in the moment with each brushstroke and each and every decision made throughout the whole process. Otherwise it's a cute little film to scrub though fast with no lasting impression.... A lot of work for a quickie! Did I say quickie? If you have some time on a rainy day it might be a fun stream watch. :=)


Someday someone will adopt this painting and have a copy of the video to enjoy knowing how it was created.... How cool is that?


Friday, October 9, 2020

1356 ZENFULL 3rd session

Someday someone will adopt this painting and have a copy of the video to enjoy knowing how it was created.... How cool is that?


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

1356 ZENFULL session 2

SOME EXCITING NEWS: This is the first video in a series of SIP (swimming-in-paint) BEST WALL PAINTINGS. It exposes the thought process behind it and what it takes to move it from the easel to the wall.

CANVAS 1356, "ZENFULL" is a 36x40 oil on linen canvas started as a SIP demo on Sunday and continued the following day in my studio. This video, the second session picks it up on Monday, where it was filmed, edited and posted the following morning. A process that will continue to completion.

As a daily painter, I only work on one canvas at a time. VIDEO is now part of my painting process, allowing me to share with the SIP Team and others.  

Thank you for watching "ZENFULL".


PS: Someday someone will adopt this painting and have a copy of the video to enjoy knowing how it was created.... How cool is that?


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Canvas1354, Captured Light

My newest video on U-Tube “Captured Light" was started late in the day as a demo during Swimming-in-paint a week ago Sunday. Because it was margarita time, I did sign off on it! However, the next morning I saw a few things that really did need attention. Enough to go back into the painting. Normally something I would not do because one session paintings are special in the moment expressions brought to a conclusion quickly. So, to my surprise it cascaded into a few more days beyond my original 15-minute time frame. 

The video includes a synced palette and voice. These two features actually took many unpublished videos and a great deal of time learning how! Another of those video learning curves, and a few more plugins and pieces from Amazon.  Fingers crossed, hoping behind me so I can get back to making art.  


The  Red circles areas were my problem areas I wanted to resolve.... lol quickly!


Captured Light 24x20 oil on linen (9-22-20 canvas 1354) 

A video of your process is also a wonderful personal critique tool I discovered doing this project. I get to see my missteps and areas I can improve on.... like over cooking a painting! 

Someday someone will adopt this painting and have a copy of the video to enjoy knowing how it was created.... How cool is that?
