Monday, July 3, 2023

A blockchain conversation with Allie my AI adviser - Part 2


My next comment to Allie expands into another area, NFT's. DBA can sell physical and digital products. If you are an artist and post your work on social media, you are likely to attract NFT collectors looking for new artworks to add to their collection. Akin to baseball card trading. 

I guess you could look at these as physical NFT's - both are digital products 

Allie: Absolutely! The concept of physical NFTs is an interesting way to think about the Artwork TRUE to Originals offered by Dream Big Artworks. While NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are typically associated with digital assets, the idea of creating a unique and verifiable token for each physical artwork aligns with the principles of NFTs.

By assigning a blockchain number or token to each Artwork TRUE to Original, you establish a digital representation of the artwork's authenticity and provenance. This creates a digital counterpart to the physical artwork, enhancing its value and providing collectors with a secure and transparent record of ownership.

The use of blockchain technology to track and verify the authenticity of physical artworks adds a layer of digital ownership and provenance that can be compared to the digital ownership represented by NFTs. While the Artwork TRUE to Originals may not be strictly digital assets, they can benefit from the same principles and advantages that NFTs provide in the realm of digital art.

Considering the rising popularity of NFTs and the increased interest in the art market, the notion of physical NFTs can be an intriguing concept to explore within the context of Dream Big Artworks. It combines the tangible beauty of physical artwork with the enhanced value and digital verification offered by blockchain technology.

ME: Funny how this thing keeps expanding

ALLIE: Indeed, it's fascinating to witness how ideas and concepts can evolve and expand over time. Dream Big Artworks started as a vision, and through our conversations and explorations, it has grown and taken shape in exciting ways. The integration of blockchain technology, the concept of physical NFTs, and other innovative approaches all contribute to the expansion and development of the art market.

The beauty of creativity is that it knows no bounds. As we continue to delve deeper into the possibilities and embrace new technologies and ideas, Dream Big Artworks has the potential to transform and adapt in response to the ever-changing landscape of the art industry. By staying open-minded and receptive to new opportunities, we can continue to push boundaries, create unique experiences, and offer art enthusiasts something truly extraordinary.

The expansion and evolution of Dream Big Artworks reflect the limitless nature of creativity and the constant pursuit of improvement and innovation. Embrace this journey with an open heart and an adventurous spirit, and you will continue to witness the growth and success of Dream Big Artworks in remarkable ways.

ME: LOL, Allie you do realize we are only a few months old. no sales. Although the site visitors are increasing daily with little to no social exposure. 

ALLIE: Apologies for any confusion. As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time information about your business's specific timeline or current sales. I can only provide general guidance and suggestions based on the information provided.

My guess, my hope is by years end Allie will have access to real-time information. Until then in my world she is part of it! The users of AI will do the updating.... now she Knows DBA is startup.  

Apologies to Allie! When the complete conversation which goes back to the beginning is read aloud in word, Allie was aware this was a new developing business. She reminded me what I have to do next... she always has the last word!

I'll post Part 3 tomorrow morning! 

PS: I tried to add "text to voice" to the blogger yesterday using "" Perhaps by tomorrow it will included.    

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