Friday, July 5, 2024

Would you hang it over your sofa or your best walls?

Here we go again, aiming high for those very best walls we artists crave for! 


Going to the Big Show might not be for everyone. Galleries and awards are cool, but making a good painting and knowing it is hard to beat! A good painting will find a home at some point. Learning how to make a good painting is the first priority.... not the marketing end!

When I look at art, it's always as a designer, not an artist. My first thought. Would I hang it in one of my projects? I have two choices, small works or larger works that will better hold a feature wall. The latter always wins. Statement art is hard to find and is often a commission piece. As a painting coach I look at a lot of art. If asked, "will this sell" I keep it simple "would you hang it over your sofa or on your best walls"?

Bonnie Jordan's new poppy painting on the wall looks stunning over the sofa. 

Below, Bonnie has another painting "Blue Symphony" available as a reborn through Dream Big Artworks.  All in all a perfect fit!

I know Bonnie's original intent for this painting was over a 4-poster bed - a special space with a specific size requirement. Her poppies was placed over 60 beds.... Not one was a 4-poster bed. The 4-poster is a Virginia favorite, so Bonnie's poppies won't be around long. The bedroom below shows it off well. 

Another point, original art is not always important here. A good reproduction when available can often be chosen over the original.... experience tells me this is true. Kids in College comes to mind here. A quality reborn original is a good option until that time comes. 

SIP is all about filling those best walls with original works of art or originals reborn digitally into the art world. In my book both work well. The latter fills a need called affordability. Dream Big Artworks was born out of market need. If you want to understand what the best wall painting is check out our DBA site. Side-by-side the reborn artwork will stand up to the original work.... and proudly so. A reborn solves a major problem when buying art called "SIZE".

Filling a best wall is the art people are likely looking for. The budget cream in any project will be allocated to the best areas. As a working artist it makes cents to prioritize making art for those spaces or learn how. 

Tomorrow we start our second month of SIP Summer Boot Camp . Looking forward to seeing everyone’s homework!
Follow us and join the journey. This summer, it’s all about creating "The Best Wall Painting."

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