Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My Favorite Cause - Venice in Peril Fund
Saturday, August 6, 2011
A Simple Word “Serious”
A Simple Word “Serious”
Showing great interest in or commitment to an endeavor, skill, or pastime…Wow! A great word “Serious” when you think about it…Clearly I’m boringly serious about my art!! Why would this word even get my attention? It did! And in a split second too! I have used the word before in this blog, but I’m not sure I ever applied it to myself. I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t because I am serious. But, did it always apply?How long have you been painting?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
My Second Year Goals
My first year ended well
I joined a number of artist organizations entered several juried shows including one international and was accepted. I had my website, hosted by Fine Arts Studio Online up and running with some unexpected side benefits. FASO gave me access to artists, contests and newsletters. All valuable in assessing what I would be up against if I wanted to compete in a global arena. Looking back it clearly accelerated my progress and allowed me to “fast track” my career by focusing on “best of breed “.Second year goals
- Develop marketable art
- Establish a selling price
- Test the market and establish a value
- Get accepted in OPA (Oil Painters of America) National 2010 exhibit
Building a product
My plan was to develop art people would like to hang on their best walls, as a designer I have a fair idea what might be appropriate. I was already getting a fair idea of what might work from the juried shows I was entering. It did help a bit with market testing. However this didn’t help establish pricing and value. Looking back this would be a challenge!!Building a value
Comparable value
Building quality
Organizing painting history
I got lucky
First OPA National Exhibit
One of my second year goals was to get juried into 2010 OPA (Oil Painters of America) National exhibit; I was already in the Eastern exhibit twice, but the all important 2010 national was a bit more elusive I missed on my first attempt. My next opportunity would be the 2011 which I was juried in. The completion is fierce because only a small percentage is chosen so it’s really a Hugh Honor and greatly appreciated by this artist!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
An Unlikely Connection
Cyber mates
Friday, July 1, 2011
My Review of Centurion Deluxe Oil Primed Linen Rolls
Originally submitted at Jerry's Artarama Art Supplies
Centurion OP DLX Professional Canvas Rolls Superb performance and perfect color retention Specifically designed for oil painters Oil primed for the most brilliant results Made of medium weight linen All purpose weave and beautiful surface texture Exclusive OP enhanced...
I simply like this product!
Describe Yourself: Artist
Primary use: Business
Was this a gift?: No
The Centurion OP DLX Oil Primed Linen has a fine weave which gives the canvas a nice tooth and not heavy on the texture - Nil absorbancy and colour retention is excellent and no additional priming is required. So far I've stretched it up to 60x72 without any issues. The price is clearly reasonable, but it's not the reason I continue using the canvas!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Remarkable 1st Year - Taming the James River & Discovering the Sun
Taming the River
The sun was another story - difficult to photograph and only minutes between dramatic changes.
The Sun and 15-minutes

Note: this is the 3rd lush cream stage - I was chasing the sun with a late start.

Winter Sun

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Artist organizations, Art as a Competative Sport & Validation!!
One of my power points was to join artist organizations and become involved.
While surfing I came across a few artists web sites and those led to others, but the first one that caught my interest was one a en Plein Air painter who had a rather smart looking site, it included a link to Fine Art Studio Online. Good timing, I needed a web site as one of my first year goals and FASO fit the bill. FASO was very inexpensive, user friendly, newsletters, contests, hundreds of artistworld wide - quite complete. I've been with FASO for several years it now has a significant membership. Great break material, I could look at the best of breed and see what they were doing and compare my art against theirs. I could see my short comings and would go back and work on it until I was happy....eventually I could see snippets of their short comings........PROGRESS!!!
Competitive sport
I started entering the FASO Bold brush monthly painting completion. Before this, I never looked at art as a competitive sport, but when you think about it, it clearly is!! You do plan and you do scheme for position, you do ask yourself "why did this painting get picked over mine"? Better yet when you do get picked - Wow!...I got their attention!! I must be doing something right. It's all about validation! I found solid feedback to be the hardest part of painting to find. I never knew if I was on the right track or not. As a designer I knew what worked on a wall, but as a painter I needed outside validation. The monthly contest was invaluable in this way to my growth and maturity as an oil painter - my bar was continuous raised and will continue to do so.Juried shows

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A Good Case for en Plein Air….But on our “Best Walls?”
"Golden walls"
“Know your subject”
"First portrait since 1967"

My 3 submission to the Portrait Society of Americas 2011 International portrait competition

Monday, June 27, 2011
Why Plein Air? The stinker period!!
Why plein Air?

Completed Alla prima 3/27/2009
Completed Alla prima 3/29/2009