Thursday, August 10, 2017

Canvas 1166 - studio, merging references

August is starting off on a good foot. Until seconds before I started this 30x30 canvas below, I did not know what would be on it! Lately nothing really got me in the mood....then "Bam!" An Italian Riviera countryside (Ventimiglia) and a Virginia sunset collided. They were a perfect match up. Neither on their own were remarkable...... that will be my job:=)

 Saturday, August 5th

 Sunday, August 6th

My sky was painted to a 99% completion during the first session using the Virginia hillside sunset from Libby Terrace. There was no consideration for my countryside reference until I made the connection with the mountain range and only a suggestion of the river. The next session allowed  me to easily adjust the landscape tonally to a painted sky as opposed to the original reference material. All I had to do was follow the light and atmosphere down.

Monday, August 7th in the studio
Venice, Another Time (behind) is in the process of proofing for a limited edition Giclee

Most of yesterday was spent closing up the lower portion and refining the space up to the distant river. I did not paint the river in deliberately. The river is still raw canvas and will be the last element painted. The surrounding canvas will be dry so I can easily remove anything I don't like. More importantly, all the information is in place to make it merge better with my overall painting. The river could/should/does glow more than the sun because it's a surface reflection of the sun and will sparkle brighter. Anyway, that's the plan..:=)

TUESDAY, August 8th
 EVENING 30xx30 oil on linen (8-8-17 canvas 1166)

The river is done! The sky and sun were twerked a bit. Not much left to do except study it in different light conditions and find a frame.

Natural light (Early morning)
  EVENING 30xx30 oil on linen (8-8-17 canvas 1166)

Slept on it, studied it, still thinking about it.....never a good sign. Especially when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about a pink sun, best move on it asap!

This looks more like an evening moon than a sinking sun. I am debating if I should change the sun to a pinkish colour. I know it originally was. Something my camera at the time would not necessarily pick up on.

Libby Sunset 8x10 oil on panel (8-8-09 canvas 132)

THURSDAY, August 10th (modification)
 Evening Over Ventimiglia 30xx30 oil on linen (8-10-17 canvas 1166)

Closeup marks are quite abstract

I actually did make it pink, but like a few other attempts it didn't hit my mark....and then it did. Fortunately the area was dry because it allowed me a lot of freedom on my part to figure it out. Every painting seems to have an odd/contrasting colour that makes it work with the whole. Soft orange did the trick here. Now its finished!

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