Friday, May 24, 2024

Breakfast and a Critique!

  My starting point!

 Landscape 16x20 oil on canvas panel dated 3/16/09

One of the things I looked for as an early emerging artist was constructive feedback. I accomplished this by doing two important things simultaneously. I teamed up with a collector whose opinion I knew would be straightforward and to the point. Every Sunday morning, I would pile my week's work into the SUV and head to his place. Breakfast at a local restaurant and a critique back at his place. I would stack the work against his living room walls with anticipation, always going back to my easel armed with his comments in mind. About 6-months in we moved to Best Wall Paintings. This went on for about a year until he asked, "How much for that one?" I knew for certain I had a good product to go forward with. 

  My first "Best Wall Painting"

 A Moment in Time 40x30 oil on linen - Canvas 138 Dated 9/5/2009

You see, consistency is important if you're going to depend on art as a financially successful career. Consistency and subject selection were the goals of our Breakfast and Critiques. The second thing I did on my own. It was side-by-side comparisons of my work against the best entries in national and international juried exhibitions. It's actually quite easy to do online. I also entered these juried exhibits.

As the SIP coach, I passed this information on to others. When giving serious feedback to an artist, there must be a solid solution by demonstration or verbally on how to improve their critiqued work at the same time. I found demonstration on their canvas gets the point across in seconds as opposed to verbal masturbation!

This approach to feedback and critique has become a cornerstone of my coaching philosophy at SIP. I believe that constructive, actionable feedback is essential for any artist's growth. That's why we're incorporating this method into our SIP Summer Boot Camp. Participants will receive hands-on critiques and demonstrations, ensuring they leave each session with clear, practical steps to improve their work. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting, our boot camp is designed to provide the support and guidance you need to create your best wall paintings. Join us this summer and take your art to the next level.

Lunch with the SIP Painters

Follow us and join the journey. This summer, it’s all about creating "The Best Wall Painting.

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