Friday, May 8, 2015

Back in the art cave

Monday:  I picked up "Singular Focus" Sunday from the Stravitz. They did a wonderful job presenting my new collection and I'm forever grateful to Dick Stravitz and his staff.

I wrote volumes of blog posts in my absence but decided not to publish any of it in favor of a condensed version. My attention was diverted towards the reproduction market and long term benefits from my original art. It's safe to say I'm on a learning curve, if nothing else learning the buzz words. The words that make you sound intelligent about a field you know zip about! I'm especially fascinated with the 3D technology entering the field of fine art canvas reproduction.

If I expect to get anywhere while learning how all this works and paint too, it has to be done in workable segments. So...I need a simple plan to start. I'll use outside services to get the ball rolling, first with "digital captures" of my paintings.

My real plan is to approach this on two fronts.... licensing my images for global distribution and producing a personal collection. I'll use my personal favorites from each collection. For now, those images won't be licensed and the originals will be retained for the long term benefit.

I already have a few professional scans like the one below by Staples Fine Art using a flat bed scanner - the "digital capture" is a whopping 70mb. A small file compared to what I'll use going forward..

669 Koi & Lilies 30x30 oil on linen (6-13-12)

This morning I came across another service a fellow artist uses, Old Town Editions  near DC. It looks like they can handle my large formats and do most of what I want....perhaps eventually 3D services too. Better yet, they are close enough to work with. 

I was able to set up a meeting Wednesday with Old Town Editions to look at eye candy and go over their services. At the same time I'll turn a group of paintings over for "digital capture". Perhaps learn some more "buzz words" too.

Wednesday: The old SUV is loaded and ready to go.......if the eye candy tastes good the game's on!

It turned out to be a good trip. Parking and access in Old Town Alexandria is a serious challenge. They can pretty much do it all so I left a dozen paintings for digital capture. Nice people to work with:=)

Thursday: Happy camper here, other than some 3D printing research there's not much to do until the digital files are ready on the 14th. I have until then to find a 3D service or go conventional. As much as I like the concept it might be smarter to use tried and true in the beginning.

There are some time constraints... my gallery space at Crossroads will be the launching pad for the reproductions. The gallery was loaned out for a benefit until the end of the month. It's a golden opportunity to make a changeover using a combination of originals and reproductions. I might do a 2nd exhibit for "Singular Focus" - Koi and Lilies mixed with a few reproductions, if I can manage it in time.

I want to get back to painting - so this is a good project stopping point. The rest can happen between painting sessions.

6-weeks off..... my 1st painting will be a small 20x20 warmup....time to do it!

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