Monday, May 25, 2015

Working on future dividens

The first step was securing the digital capture. Mine were by "OLD TOWN EDITIONS". I had (12) high resolution images that required Photoshop intervention before anything else could happen..


Last week was busy indeed, proofing digital images for printing. Nice change from painting...actually very detailed and tedious work but interesting. Much of its repetitive use of a blemish tool so it gives you time to think of other things too. One thing is why its so important to do this particular job well, it lasts forever or at least it could. It's the basis for long term returns from a particular painting - making the master perfect is as important as the original painting itself. Perhaps more important in the long run. We artists have been granted a silent gift via our copy rights that is quite significant - few think about it beyond protecting our originals from unscrupulous copying. I personally think that is the most insignificant aspect to it. Our exclusive use of the image is monumental when you really think about it. We can sell reproductions of our originals well beyond our lifetime. Sounds too good to be true but in this case it is true... however, getting it done is a big job. A business unto itself and not something you simply tinker with when the mood strikes.


Now that I have master proofed images, I have a product to sell! That means getting it out there in the system. After the digital master is ready, you gotta see it in print. I found lots of options there - outside services are abundant, plus we can use online platforms that do the whole thing like FINE ART AMERICA. I decided to start with them. They have been at it for a while; nice people, I used them a few years back....even made some sales. However, I was always having problems with my images not being quite good enough to complete the sale so I lost more than a few. Most digital cameras will do small works well enough, but not anything of consequence, so I moved on.

Today I'm back with FINE ART AMERICA. It's a simple upload, nothing more is required other than linking it up to my website because they do it all, including sales. They also just started an interesting commercial trade platform to accommodate large users, if you will, the wholesale market.

As you can see I already added a link and a slideshow to the blogs side bar at the very top. My website also has a new ARTIST CHOICE - GICLEE collection with a slideshow and a purchase link to FINE ART AMERICA.

I'm not sure how I fit in FINE ART AMERICA'S market, but it is exposure on a global scale and for now that can't be bad. BTW. the buyer or artist can buy non-stretched canvas prints and forgo all the other stuff at very attractive price points.


946 Koi & Lilies 36x36 oil on linen (1-28-15)
Professional digital capture using the large format "Better Light" system

This link leads you to the actual painting and all the many options FINE ART AMERICA has to offer including pillows......had to do it LOL!

I also added painting 946 to my website under "ARTIST CHOICE - GICLEE'S"

There are volumes of links and likes that effectively gets the word out. However it takes time to connect up all these different platforms like INSTAGRAM. The one I'm most interested in, but yet to figure out how to do, is a simple upload.... but I will because it's my next little project today or tomorrow.

All this takes time from my new collection - need to get back to it before I forget how to paint! Unfortunately I still have a few images to proof. So, the jobs not quite done yet!

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