Friday 5th
a Single Pony
10:00 am to 2:30pm (Lunch break at 12:15)
a Single Pony
10:00 am to 2:30pm (Lunch break at 12:15)
team LIMITED TO 10
The team will meet in CLASSROOM 1
Contact Crossroads Art Center for details 804.278.8950
"Swimming in Paint" is always about following the light, painting shapes with colour and energy!

Our single pony above will be the usual same reference for the whole team as opposed to all the "Wild Ponies choices" last Saturday.
Keeping it simple, Friday we'll work exclusively painting one (1) specific shape, a single pony. We'll also work on a smaller 20x20 canvas (or bring your own smaller canvas)
While we could end up with a masterpiece, this exercise is not about making a masterpiece. If it doesn't work, wipe it off and ride it again - always with energy!
I continually preach paint shapes, not drawing. Shaping and molding a
subject with your brush requires a bit more paint and medium to
make the paint flow effortlessly. Handwriting is oddly important here, as
is the right pen or brush to make it happen. Flowing expressive moves are
key.......not uncontrolled jerky dibs and dabs! The reward is allowing the subject to emerge from the background in a painterly fashion! Lots of ways to do
this with lost and found edges. Perhaps the most fun part of painting wet-in-wet.
For those who can't make the class or live in distant lands, download the references and try this at home. Email me at with your results - I would love to see them:=)
A 5x7 Photo References will be provided
Jerry's has Centurion oil linen well priced already stretched by the box (6)......check it out.
Royal SG4500 series long handle soft grip brushes (LINK)
Direct link to brushes - scroll down to the SG4500 series
A 5x7 Photo References will be provided
Brown bag or order lunch from Gretchen's before class. The
lunch table is a wonderful time to chat and study our progress.
canvas surface will be 20x20. An ample supply of smooth 20X20 stretched
oil primed linen canvas will always be available at $12.50 each.....or
bring your own 20x20 or SIMILAR SMALL SIZE.
There will also be a supply of Royal soft grip brushes (SG4500 Series) available at $2.50 each.
do encourage using a glass palette - old picture frame glass works with
a white sheet of paper and a cardboard backing or foam core with blue
taped edges to hold it all together.
Please try to have (1) Flexible palette knife. Preferably similar to the two on the left.
(1) 20X20 canvas Centurion oil primed linen or equal
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4520 Filbert (rounded flat)
(1) #12 Royal soft grip SG4510 Bright (flat)
A few palette knives (flexible)
Glass palette with a small paint scraper
3 or 4 sheets of paper towels (folded into quarters)
A few palette knives (flexible)
Glass palette with a small paint scraper
3 or 4 sheets of paper towels (folded into quarters)
Neo Megilp oil painting medium
Clean cotton rags - (cut up old cotton Tee shirts and white socks work well)
Small amount of odorless mineral spirits - at least 8 oz.
Basic palette: I added a few of the specialty colours I often use - either way I always share those colours.
Basic palette: I added a few of the specialty colours I often use - either way I always share those colours.
Titanium White or a fast drying Griffin alkyd by Winsor & Newton
Naples yellow
Lemon yellow
Cadmium Yellow medium
Alizarin Orange (Williamsburg)
Permanent green light
Alizarin Orange (Williamsburg)
Permanent green light
Sap green
Chromium Oxide or green oxide
Chromium Oxide or green oxide
Cerulean Blue
Sevres Blue (Williamsburg)
Sevres Blue (Williamsburg)
French Ultramarine Blue
Ultramarine Blue French (Williamsburg)
Ultramarine Blue French (Williamsburg)
Dioxazine Purple
Provence Violet Bluish (Williamsburg)
Provence Violet Bluish (Williamsburg)
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose
Persian Rose (Williamsburg)
Permanent Rose
Persian Rose (Williamsburg)
Cadmium Vermilion (Williamsburg)
Jerry's has Centurion oil linen well priced already stretched by the box (6)......check it out.
Royal SG4500 series long handle soft grip brushes (LINK)
Direct link to brushes - scroll down to the SG4500 series
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