Saturday, July 29, 2017

National Advertizing

If you can swing it, worth it, having your name, your work, displayed on a national level and globally online is important to branding your art and name. Printed platforms like American Art Collector are directed to specific groups interested in art education... buying and selling art. My personal favorite to get the job done is AAC, but there are numerous art magazines to choose from. It's not free, like social media platforms, another important messaging tool..... and again there is a basket full to choose from. They all take time to manage.

Free social platforms cover broad internet audiences, but are not necessarily targeted. A good trade magazine like AAC is. We still like to look at printed material directed to our personal interests. AAC is directed to artists, art lovers, collectors and galleries. The last two, collectors and galleries, if you are an artist, is the main target. Not other artists or those who like to look at pretty pictures but those interested in your work and other artists work...... their goal is not to make art but acquire and live with it on a daily basis. When you think about it, how cool is that! Able to make something others want to admire and live with...... nice work if you can get it! BTW, artists are often collectors too.


Now, that covers the collector we all need, however, the important glue to all this love, is the gallery and their owners. Someone has to close the deal. The ad brought us together. The gallery system is the other important piece we need as artists. Yes, we could sell direct....DIY. Perhaps, but if we really want to advance our careers there is nothing like a professional team to accomplish it! We need good advertising and gallery owners to market our wares, just like they need us. We can hope the gallery will do the expensive ads with our wonderful work featured, but not likely to happen. Not because they don't want too but most gallery budgets won't allow it. This is not an easy step to take financially. Galleries are regional, artists are global, and really the only one who can make that happen...... which put it in our court. If you are a working artist and have a good product advertising is an important one to consider.

"Think big and accomplish big goals. The risks are great but so is the reward! There are no free rides"

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