Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Our process can be the game changer

How we process a painting and effects achieved with different tools really is one of the more fascinating aspects of art. Our tools can take an ordinary subject and make it extraordinary. No question we can stay with a single process or art movement, improve and make good art all of our lives, but will it ever become extraordinary?

For me, this year is about change, moving off the line from my norm....perhaps looking for extraordinary. Nine months in, my output has dropped from previous years, partly due to experimentation and enormous canvases. My curiosity wants to know the outcome. In the meantime, as my course becomes more defined, it's easy to know what didn't workout.

I've also come to realize moving off the line is changing my process, including some of my tools.... and carrying over into my representational style. Can I or should I keep them separated? Change has implication because Artist/Designers have a tendency to create and destroy... also part of the process......

900 Trafalgar Fountain 60x48 oil on linen (6-2-14)

Trafalgar Fountain was one of my attempts at "moving off the line" and another one going no where! I like the subject and think staying with a "less-is-more" painting approach is the way to go. No question this thing needs less of everything! My first step will be to remove the chaos.


Well, that was drastic!

900 Trafalgar 60x48 oil on linen (9-9-14)

I don't know if this painting has a better future or not, but I do like the feeling or suggestion of rain and how it responds to light - especially diminished light.


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