Thursday, September 4, 2014

AIR 923

I'm always the last to know where I'm heading! First, I'm generally surprised, that is until I follow the dust trail.....then DUH!

When I look at the bigger picture, AIR most likely has it's roots in those first 15-minute sunrise paintings back in 2009. Then it was about the sun, but now about what I was really seeing those early mornings and how it affected the air. Chilled or humid air.... sometimes so heavy with saturated colour going well beyond what could ever be produced from a paint tube......the quest!

921 AIR 20x20 oil on linen (8-30-14)


Like my AIR BITS study above, I'm in the fluid blockout stage. I mixed large piles of paint making this process more efficient than normal. During this stage I use up tubes of scrap paint as fillers. So far, I'm not changing my tools or making my brushes larger....could be why these are working well close up and personal.

In today's session I completed the blockout which allowed me to start adding the textural and scrub layers. Currently, because of the paintings strong colour banding it holds up at a distance.

923 AIR 66x72 oil on linen (9-2-14)

The landscape and cropping is allowing me greater freedom to explore.....liked it so much I signed it!


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