Sunday, December 10, 2017

Redundancy and some relevant "Quotes"

I like to paint and sometimes a gallery is good reason to do it......however experience makes it an after thought. The bulk of the time is spent entertaining myself painting, learning and exploring ideas to conclusions..... Sometimes good and sometimes not! I think the lay of the land for most artists.

Creative individuals rarely leave well enough alone and recognize redundancy instantly! When redundancy or boredom does set in, it causes the next brainy idea to happen. A necessary but annoying plateau that must be resolved and brought to a conclusion, again and again! More often than not caused by what we are doing in the studio. It's a vicious circle trying to raise the bar one more time.  Oddly these bar raising events are also the most important to the sellers of art....and the artists themselves! These works will most likely have commercial value..... not the original intent, just how it works out. Selling is a necessary after thought to finance the next. I wonder why it's frowned upon to say it? Once art is created it's all about money and the love of art and acquiring beautiful things to surround ourselves with.... Art is an established asset class protected at every level by all parties representing it. Why it's also important to establish value as an artist in the first place.

I suppose every artist experiences definable periods in their work..... The challenge is recognizing and avoiding redundancy. The status quo, don't fix it if its not broken as long as it sells.... be happy and do more of it. Keeping control of our own time allows creative energy to flourish more freely than when controlled by outside demands.

Personally I like to lock the doors, do my thing and let the world pass by until I'm ready to come out again!  History tells me, my best and most financially rewarding work comes from these self-imposed lock downs.  However, easier said than done...

SOME relevant "QUOTES" heisted from Levine news letter

My favorite part of the Levine news letters is the Artist Quotes.......often artists I'm not familiar with. So to better understand the relevance, I actually googled each to find out what kind of art they produced. Often I recognized their work but not the artists themselves. This month no surprises....just icons.

"I don’t think people are born artists; I think it comes from a mixture of your surroundings, the people you meet, and luck." Francis Bacon

"When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships." Andy Warhol 

"It’s all a big game of construction, some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen." Jackson Pollock

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