Sunday, December 3, 2017

A new Binge

Perhaps, the other day I was bored enough to fool around in Photoshop modifying some images - looking for a jump-start. Still not in the mood to paint! Truth of the matter, it's an amazing artist tool. I especially like how colour can be rearranged. I use Adobe Photoshop CS5.1

The original below has subtle colour movements that can easily be missed. Using the "curves" tool in Photoshop, colour rhythms can be enhanced to the extreme.  


If you like TONAL - big range here

Colour movements were simplified and defined - much easier to see how well each colour is interrelated. The image can easily range from warm to cool.
If you like it DYNAMIC - even bigger range

If you like it LIGHT (image reversed)

Reversed & Cropped

Its easy to see why this can be entertaining. A dyed in the wool traditional representational artist might not see the value of this exercise beyond the original reference. 

However, it opens up possibilities rather quickly. Every once in awhile I'll use it to my advantage as a jump-start. Give a guy like me a few weeks wandering around, and by the third week he'll have a new life mission. It won't take me long to morph into a new idea.  So, the third week of wandering is serious when it comes to me!

So, how did I actually use it?

With a lot more work in Photoshop - a soft, elegant enhancement got my attention! Resized to a 54x46 (canvas size) I got to work!

A range of printouts

So, How'd I do? After 3-full days I ended up here...YIKES!!

Jump-start 54x46 oil on linen (12-2-17 canvas 1187)

Here's what I can say, I had fun playing with colour and it took over! This image won't last long but it did cause a jump-start! Because it led me back to another painting I wish still existed.....about light and abstraction. Big at 96x72 is partially exposed in another real regrets!

It took some time, but like my old boss Bob used to say "You have your marching orders"!!

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