Friday, July 27, 2018

A weeks worth of paint and Canvas - Koi & Lilies 1262

My most indispensable tool is my camera, not sure what I would do without it. Yesterday I finished up a new square Koi and Lily canvas. In some ways a smaller companion to my last. While painting 1262  I would occasionally break, mosey out on the deck and snap a round of lily photos. I did this throughout the last painting to. While I wasn't thinking of the next painting it was actually forming up on its own.

Companions 32x32 oil on linen (7-25-18 canvas 1262)

All I had to do was add a few possible Koi references to some of my favorite pond shots and I was good to go.

This photo (above) is the feel and look I wanted to convey on my 32x32  square canvas below.


There was one lily reference I knew straight-up would find a home - however it was in full sun so adjustments would have to happen at some point.

The references below were taken in the rain. They were mood compatible with my main gray day reference, and used to construct the left side. The Koi references were whittled down to this pair.


I started each session fresh at the top and worked down. The koi and lilies required three passes. It also rained throughout the week... with some wind! The pond was rearranged a bit:=)

I rather like how it worked out. Never expected the iris to expand like it did, but the fish are happy. They only come up at feeding time.



Making art? Feel free to use any of the photo references on this site! Enjoy your week!

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