Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A busy 1st week

As a designer, if the phone started ringing during the 1st week in January, it always meant we were in for a good days its email. Well that's how this year started!! Not only for me but others too!

Last night more than few of us went to 1st Friday art openings, meeting up at Glave-Kocen. It was Elbow room only at the gallery and local restaurants. This, along with more emails and invitations than normal - I think people are revving up for a good year...perhaps tired of the "cliff rhetoric" and juvenile house and Senate....clearly people are deciding to move on and enjoy life. Like this group below:=)

James Bassfield, Jenni Kirby, Chuck Larivey and Sherwin Ghaphery

In between all this activity I've been working on #764 a 30x30 horse and beach painting - actually the 1st one for the year - a painting with a lot of interruptions but working on smaller sections; getting each to a more finished state....if you will, completing a thought - not unlike my approach with my painting by the square. It helps keep the painting fresh, as if it were one complete movement. I didn't take stage photos - except a few late yesterday - primarily to see if it held up - I thought it might also be interesting to peek at a black and white too.

764-3 (3rd day)

 764-3 Black & white

 764-3 Detail

My photos tell me I'm on the right track....However I won't get a chance to work on it again until Sunday. Saturday will be busy judging a students show at the James Center for ForArts Sake Gallery and Studio founded in 1974 by Anne Chaddock. A very cool place for artists to show and learn art now run by Diana Robinson and Elizabeth Eubanks of Richmond.


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