dwg 6
dwg 8
dwg 10
dwg 11
dwg 11a
dwg 12
Enough doodling, not going anywhere - I need to get back to it!
dwg 13
(I had two failed oil attempts on this one - total wipe outs!)
Arthur Hacker - Pelagia and Philammo c.1887 - Accidentally came across it while searching for the info on the image below.
My actual drawing reference - hard to resist not making a drawing of it.
Dwg 14 - added head wreath
886 Silk Velvet 20x20 oil on linen (2-2-14)
dwg 12
Enough doodling, not going anywhere - I need to get back to it!
dwg 13
(I had two failed oil attempts on this one - total wipe outs!)
Arthur Hacker - Pelagia and Philammo c.1887 - Accidentally came across it while searching for the info on the image below.
My actual drawing reference - hard to resist not making a drawing of it.

I liked the drawing so much I decided to use it as my main reference. My choice of a different head didn't cause as much difficulty as my arm arrangement did. I like the suggestion of a hand receding in the background - clearly it's no improvement on Hacker's original pose nor was it meant to be - I needed a body to go with the head and arms I really wanted to paint....its also where I needed practice. All-in-all the painting has promise.....a good stepping stone.
The painting still needs some quick moves - even if I loose it!
886 Silk Velvet 20x20 oil on linen (2-3-14) - final!
It feels better even if it's not. The neck and hair line needed interruption creating interest and I darkened some highlights to more shadows.
The more detailed I get, the more difficult it is to keep it fresh....especially the face. Partly due to the small format and wrong brushes - I used larger brushes than required so refined detail can suffer.
The more detailed I get, the more difficult it is to keep it fresh....especially the face. Partly due to the small format and wrong brushes - I used larger brushes than required so refined detail can suffer.
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