Tuesday, March 20, 2012

643 - Finished, Signed and Sold

You ask what happened to day 3-8?........Camera problems - my LED lighting and camera aren't getting along. Don't seem to have a setting or solution for it either.

I do have 6 and a combination of 7 and 8 which shows a serious last minute move after it was signed.

#643 Juno oil on linen 69x57 - completed 3/19/2012
(643-8 with title)

Sunday #643-7 (no photo with golden sky except below) I only worked from the horizon down detailing the foreground water with darker tones from my left wave, adding depth and interest -  basically tying my composition together. Now it's all connected into my suns reflection. I signed it and napped.

This morning, very early after sleeping on it  I decided to also remove much of the golden area in my sky (see below) - I softened it a bit, tying it more into my lower section - this was a very quick move - maybe 20 minutes - it did something else too - made it an 8-day painting - normally that's a death move for me......it was the right move...got lucky today:=)

#643-6 Saturday - shot in full late sun - a bit washed out but close to actual colour

Saturday I removed much of the gold below the horizon with layers of the sea colours - it creates depth and ties into the water reflections and at some level my main wave - sort of a block out for my next move. 

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