Sunday, April 5, 2020

Spring lily pads, transformed

My last painting finished, I decided to take the day off to think about my next. And, write a bit about the process I typically go through deciding "what's next". Especially if the intent is for a best wall.

This photo was taken yesterday of my deck pond. The pond inhabitants, a few dozen goldfish were celebrating fresh spring lily pads to munch on.

Deck pond 4/3/20 (original photo)

Things can change in Photoshop
Deck lily pond 4/3/20 (modified)

The faint red lines represent a very interesting compositional flow present. The bubbles are icing on the cake. Lilies will be along in a week or so. And, soon the pond will be covered. As possible painting reference, it has a way to go. I don't care for the empty shadow band at the top. I could crop it, but the bubbles would be lost or make little sense.

Transforming is another way of cropping without using the crop tool. The transform tool in Photoshop editing expands an image by stretching outside the frame in the direction you want it to go. The scale or size of the frame remains the same.

 Transformed into a workable composition
Add red line & expanded right & left top lily pads around bubbles (warp tool)

It would help staying the course if red movement/flow lines are left in place when using a monitor or printed on glossy photo paper. If necessary, the image could be resized to a canvas without cropping. Obviously, distortion could be an issue if it were extreme. 

At this point a good background reference. A setting, a colour or mood will trigger my final choice in nano seconds.... might take a while to get there! Replacing the goldfish with my signature Koi fish, I'm known for as a painter would come later during the painting process. Only if the painting has lilies. 

 Changes for art, colour and mood
Lightened and warmed

Manipulated in colour correction
Toned cooler

 Into something interesting
I think all the above, waves and manipulating saturation got me here?

Why would this image be a trigger over more representational realistic ones? As a designer it would get my attention, as a true representational painter.... perhaps not. But, then, I am a hybrid when it comes to art. I like both extremes and more likely to collect modern art over traditional. I see this as a very large painting, as in billboard size....

Original movement red lines are barely visible.... reinstated.

          With scale could easily compete with contemporary art!

Art starts here


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